{ "24volume": "79269.3423", "pairs": { "ETH_BTC": { "id": "19", "last": "0.02226796", "low24hr": "0.02198213", "high24hr": "0.02283994", "percentChange": "0.00000000", "baseVolume": "13826.6013", "quoteVolume": "308.6555", "isFrozen": "0", "lowestAsk": "0.02244983", "highestBid": "0.02222903" }, "LTC_BTC": { "id": "20", "last": "0.00636383", "low24hr": "0.00633360", "high24hr": "0.00659999", "percentChange": "-2.59090000", "baseVolume": "25948.3291", "quoteVolume": "167.5188", "isFrozen": "0", "lowestAsk": "0.00640000", "highestBid": "0.00633360" } } }
Parameter | Type | Description |
24volume | string | 24 volume. |
id | string | The pair unique ID. |
last | string | The price of the last executed order. |
low24hr | string | The lowest execution price for this pair within the last 24 hours. |
high24hr | string | The highest execution price for this pair within the last 24 hours. |
percentChange | string | Price change percentage. |
baseVolume | string | 24 hour trading volume in base units. |
quoteVolume | string | 24 hour trading volume in quoted units. |
isFrozen | string | Indicates if the market is currently enabled (1) or disabled (0). |
lowestAsk | string | Lowest current purchase price for this asset. |
highestBid | string | Highest current sale price for this asset. |
Parameter | Is required | Type | Description |
symbol | string | Must be ETH_BTC format. |
{ "status": "success", "result": { "bids": [ [ "37.37600000", "0.00000408" ], [ "20.00000000", "0.00000300" ] ], "asks": [ [ "3.00000000", "0.00001197" ], [ "24.85000000", "0.00001198" ] ] }, "messages": [] }
Parameter | Type | Description |
status | string | Status. |
asks | array | An array containing 2 elements. The ask quantity and price for each ask order. |
bids | array | An array containing 2 elements. The offer quantity and price for each bid order. |
[ { "symbol": "ETH_BTC" }, { "symbol": "LTC_BTC" } ]
Parameter | Type | Description |
symbol | string | Pair name. |
Parameter | Is required | Type | Description |
symbol | string | Must be ETH_BTC format. | |
period | string | Must be 1h or 12h (default) or 24h format. |
{ "status": "success", "result": [ { "tid": "123456789", "amount": "1.12345678", "price": "0.12345678", "timestamp": "1234567890", "action": "sell" }, { "tid": "123456790", "amount": "1.12345678", "price": "0.12345678", "timestamp": "1234567890", "action": "buy" } ], "messages": [] }
Parameter | Type | Description |
status | string | Status. |
tid | string | A unique ID associated with the trade for the currency pair transaction.. |
amount | string | Transaction amount in base units. |
price | string | Transaction price in quoted units. |
timestamp | string | Unix timestamp in seconds for when the transaction occurred. |
action | string | Used to determine whether or not the transaction originated as a buy or sell. Buy – Identifies an ask was removed from the order book. Sell – Identifies a bid was removed from the order book. |