Dear users!Our service will be on maintenance and unavailable for users from 08:00 (GMT) approximately for 3 hours!We apologize for any inconvenience that might be caused by this.We will inform you as soon as the technical work will be completed.Thank you for staying with us.Mercatox team
Jan 29, 2020

Credits (CS) Swap

Dear Users,Credits team has initiated swap procedure.We do not support this swap.For further instructions and communication with the developers, use the following link: luck in the forthcoming trades.
Jan 29, 2020

Maintenance completed

Dear users!Maintenance work successfully completed.Service is fully accessible.Good luck in the forthcoming trades.Mercatox team
Dear users!Due to planned system maintenance, our service will be unavailable for users from 12:00 (GMT) approximately for one hour!We apologize for any inconvenience that might be caused by this.Thank you for staying with us.Mercatox team
Dear users!Bitcoin Classic (BXC) added to the listing.BXC/BTC and BXC/ETH markets are available for trading. Classic (BXC) blockchain explorer is luck in the forthcoming trades.
Jan 17, 2020

Neulaut (NUA) swap

Dear Users,Neulaut (NUA) swapped to a new contract - pay your attention and send only that Neulaut (NUA) to your deposit address.We do not accept deposits with the old contract address.Good luck in the forthcoming trades.Mercatox team
Dear users!Global Rental Token (GRT) new market added to the listing.GRT/BTC and GRT/ETH markets are available for trading. Rental Token (GRT) contract address is luck in the forthcoming trades.
Please be informed that recently there have been incidences of scammed messages using the MERCATOX name and Mercatox is warning users about this.Note that the website and telegram bot is fake.Please, pay your attention that only original Mercatox website is center
Dear users!CRYPTOBUCKS (CBUCKS) new market added to the listing.CBUCKS/BTC and CBUCKS/ETH markets are available for trading. (CBUCKS) contract address is luck in the forthcoming trades.
Dear users!Please be informed that Ethereum Muir Glacier hard fork has been successfully completed.Deposits and withdrawals ETH and ERC20 tokens have been opened.Service is fully accessible.Good luck in the forthcoming trades.Mercatox team
Dear Users,Please be informed that MERCATOX would like to confirm support for the upcoming Ethereum Muir Glacier hard fork.Also, informing you that we will fulfill all the technical requirements regarding ETH and all ERC20 tokens.Estimated time frame: between January 2 and 3, 2020.Hard Fork Block Height: 9,200,000Please note that at the time of upd
Dec 31, 2019

Happy New Year!

Our whole team is happy to wish you all a Happy New Year!We are grateful to each user of our ever-growing Mercatox community, as well as to each partner for their trust in us.We wish you health, success and luck!Happy New Trades!Thank you for staying with us!Mercatox Team
Dear Users,BuckHathToken (BHIG) swapped to a new contract - pay your attention and send only that BuckHathToken (BHIG) to your deposit address.We do not accept deposits with the old contract address.Good luck in the forthcoming trades.
Dear users!PlayFuel (PLF) new market added to the listing.PLF/BTC and PLF/ETH markets are available for trading. (PLF) contract address is luck in the forthcoming trades.
Dec 13, 2019

Gric Coin (GC) swap

Dear Users,Gric Coin (GC) swapped to a new contract - to swap procedure conditions Swap Ratio is 1:0.002.All active orders with old coins have been canceled.Please pay your attention and send only that Gric Coin (GC) to your deposit address.We do not accept deposits with the ol
Dear users!Energi (NRG) added to the listing.NRG/BTC and NRG/TUSD markets are available for trading. (NRG) blockchain explorer is luck in the forthcoming trades.
Dear users!Bitdepositary (BDT) added to the listing.BDT/BTC and BDT/ETH markets are available for trading. (BDT) blockchain explorer is luck in the forthcoming trades.
Dear users!Litbinex Coin (LTB) new market added to the listing.LTB/BTC and LTB/ETH markets are available for trading. Coin (LTB) contract address is luck in the forthcoming trades.
Dear users!Resfinex (RES) new market added to the listing.RES/ETH market is available for trading. (RES) contract address is luck in the forthcoming trades.Mercatox team
Dear Users, Bitcoin Turbo Koin (BTK) successfully migrated its new blockchain.Swap process successfully completed.Deposits and withdrawals are already opened.Due to swap procedure conditions Swap Ratio is 2000:1.New Bitcoin Turbo Koin (BTK) blockchain explorer is luck in the forthcoming trades.Mercatox
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